So you've checked off your list of must-haves for the new baby, but what about YOU! Here is the postpartum recovery list that you need. It's exactly what new moms need to lay out the essentials needed to make that postpartum recovery easier.
I'm sure you've spent the last few months making sure to stock up for all the newborn essentials. You've even got your newborn photographer hired and you are anxiously waiting for your bundle of joy to arrive. But have you stopped to think about what you will need once the baby arrives? What must-have items does your body need to recover from labor?

I’ve put together an essential checklist of things you will definitely need for your postpartum weeks. And coming from a momma who has had 7 babies, I think I got you covered.
Bonus, most of these can be purchased via Amazon, which means you don't even have to leave the house.
Peri Bottle - If you had a vaginal delivery this will be your best friend. Most hospitals give you one to take home, but an extra one won't hurt. I promise being able to use this bottle to clean yourself down there will feel way better than using toilet paper.
Pain-relieving Spray - again this is an item to you use down there! It is going to hurt down there, so a spray or two after you go bathroom will feel amazing.
Ibuprofen - Most likely you will get some when you leave the hospital, but this is an item you want to have on deck. Your body has just gone through a major experience. It will be painful. You will ache in areas that don't even make sense. So taking ibuprofen will definitely help take the edge off. And be smart, and take them before the pain hits. You don't want to have to wait for the meds to kick in, once the pain is there. So stay in control.
Breast Pads - doesn't matter if you plan to breastfeed or not, your boobs are going to leak! Order some disposable ones, and then you can reuse them. Waking up to a shirt covered in boobie milk is no fun.
Nipple Cream - if you are going to breastfeed this is a MUST! Your nipples will hurt and chaff. Let's face it, breastfeeding takes time to find a rhythm, and while your boobs are finding that rhythm they will hurt. Rubbing some nipple cream on before and after you nurse will help so much. (And don't worry nipple creams are safe for babies.) So grab a few. Keep one in your diaper bag, and in every room you will breastfeed in so it is always handy.
Sports Bra - these are good to have for when you don't want to wear a nursing bra, or maybe you don't plan on breastfeeding. Your boobs are going to be enlarged so a comfy bra makes a world of difference. Make sure you get some bigger than your normal size because postpartum boobs can get big!
Postpartum Belly Wraps - these wraps are amazing for women who had a c-section. Belly wraps help give your core more strength while you get back into your daily routine.
Chapstick - buy a few of your favorites., and thank me later.
Dry Shampoo - let's face it, you will forget to brush your teeth some days. I swear it will happen. So having dry shampoo will be a game-changer. Spray it in and throw your hair into a cute messy bun, and proceed with your day.
Water - while your body is recovering you will need to stay hydrated. If you are breastfeeding you become even more dehydrated, so stock up on water. If you are not a big water drinker, vitamin water is yummy too. So make sure you stock up before the baby arrives.
And that's it! These items will help you survive the first few weeks after the baby comes. Remember we can't take care of anyone else if we don't take care of ourselves. So make sure you have your postpartum items ordered and stocked, to make your new journey as smooth as possible.